
At SAC we have decided to focus our time, efforts and resources on the following 5 priorities.

  1. Sunday AM Experience
  2. Small Groups
  3. Local Outreach
  4. Global Outreach
  5. Under 18 - Children & Youth Ministry

Vision Motto and Concepts

Each priority has a strategic ENDS built around our vision motto – Making Jesus Famous.

  • Making Jesus famous by looking up in prayer and worship
  • Making Jesus famous by looking in to the word and discipleship
  • Making Jesus famous by looking out in fellowship, mission and service.

Strategic Ends

Our ENDS will be defined by finishing this sentence - We will know Jesus has been made famous with each priority when…

  1. Sunday AM Experience – We will know Jesus has been made famous in our SAC Sunday AM experience when...
    1. Looking Up – When people sing out and are engaged in the worship music. When prayer happens as both a planned and unplanned response to everything. When the spotlight and it is quickly adjusted to Jesus if it is ever placed elsewhere. When we sense that Jesus is pleased with the posture of our hearts, the words from our lips and the actions of our lives.
    2. Looking In – When both the dedicated Christian as well as the pre-Christian are engaged in the preaching and worship experience. When people come to salvation and show evidence of growing in their faith demonstrating spiritual fruit in their lives. When people can't wait to open their bibles on Sunday morning longing to hear from God.
    3. Looking Out – When there is a corporate sense of humility placing others needs ahead of our own. When people can't wait to be in church on a Sunday morning and the core believers feel comfortable enough to invite others to attend. When there is a tangible sense of unity that descends in our midst as we serve one another in love.
  2. Small Groups – We will know Jesus has been made famous in our SAC small groups when…
    1. Looking Up – When people feel comfortable praying together in groups and sharing their requests with others. When people connect outside of small group to pray.
    2. Looking In – When solid disciples emerge mature enough in their faith to take on the needed leadership roles in the church. When small groups are the place where people feel the most connected to our church.
    3. Looking Out – When people care for one another's spiritual, emotional, physical and mental needs within their small group before coming to staff or elders at SAC. When we are generating enough small groups so no person in need falls through the cracks. When all small group attenders have a growing awareness of their spiritual gifts and how they can develop and deploy them in the church.
  3. Local Outreach – We will know Jesus has been made famous locally in Sturgeon county when…
    1. Looking Up – When we so are sensitive to the Holy Spirits leading regarding serving opportunities in our community that we hear stories starting with – "The Holy Spirit prompted me/us to reach out by…" When we are begging God for more resources so we can reach more people with the gospel.
    2. Looking In – When we are continually bothered by who is NOT here and have created environments for larger numbers of people. When every program is able to handle 25% more in attendance. When we see evidence that individuals have reached their neighbors with the gospel. When we see people come to a saving knowledge of Jesus and are baptized.
    3. Looking Out When the gospel is so central to our lives, that we let our light shine and people are drawn to the light.  When we are continually looking for new ways to reach people with the gospel.
  4. Global Outreach- We will know Jesus has been made famous globally because of SAC when…
    1. Looking Up – When our prayer and resource support for our global partners in mission is an essential part of our worship to God. When we have such an awareness of being global Christians that we are broken in prayer for the persecuted church around the world. When we see answers to our prayers for or global partners in mission.
    2. Looking In – When our passion for the worlds unreached people impacts the way we live in the developed world. When people want to know more about the unreached people of the world and sign up for update emails from a mission organization
    3. Looking Out – When our core believers feel our partners in mission are very much a part of SAC. When our core know the names of our partners in mission and can identify current prayer requests and needs that they have.
  5. U 18 (Children / Youth ministry) – We will know that Jesus has been made famous among the U18 kids in Sturgeon County when…
    1. Looking Up When we have created caring and God honoring environments to lead U18 kids towards both salvation and spiritual growth. When our U18 kids want to attend Sunday morning and feel comfortable to worship there.
    2. Looking In – When our grade 12 grads leave our church and other churches are excited to enfold them into their church and plug them into ministry because they are mature disciples of Jesus. When we see our U18 kids leading the way in discipleship at SAC. When volunteers flock to serve in the our U18 ministries.
    3. Looking Out – When we have trust built with the community parents that they will send their U18 kids to our programs. When we are able to handle 25% more in attendance and have programs where unsaved U18 kids feel comfortable to explore the basics of the faith. When U18 kids know that SAC is a welcoming place to come where they will feel included and loved. When U18 kids know that SAC is the place that can meet their spiritual needs where they can find answers to life's biggest questions. When we see U18 kids come to salvation.